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Aug 24 2024

4 on 4 Mini Tournament & Position Specific Development

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LMHA Members,

The LMHA Board and the LMHA Development sub-committee have been working hard to offer our players some unique opportunities this season. 

At this time, we are looking to gauge interest in the items below.  If your player is interested in one or both of the opportunities below, we would ask that you follow the links and complete the short TeamLinkt forms so that we can gather information and determine how to proceed. You will need to login to your TeamLinkt account to complete the forms.

The deadline for completing these forms is Thursday, August 29th at 11:55pm.

Additional information along with a link for registration and payment will be sent out after the September long weekend.


4 on 4 Mini Tournament

As you would have seen in the Season Opening Communication, we are introducing a 4 on 4 mini tournament to kick things off before the evaluations. The intent after Rust Busters is to let the players have some fun and bring some excitement to being back on the ice.  Our goal is to make 4-6 teams per division of 8 skaters and a goalie. The cost will be minimal, averaging about $10/game, and goalies will play for free. Games will be 45 minutes long and run the week of September 16-22 with divisions made up of cross over age groups of U9/11 & U13/15 (non-contact).

If your player is interested in participating in the pre-season 4 on 4 tournament, please fill out this quick form.  If you have multiple players, please fill out the form separately for each player.

4 on 4 Tournament:


Position Specific Development

LMHA Development is looking at external development for position specific training on Saturday mornings throughout the season. This program would be designed to expose players to some of the more position specific skills to assist them in their development path. This is an additional cost program with the goal of providing an opportunity close to home with development coaches at a low cost. The cost is dependent on interest and participation numbers, it will range from $20-40 per ice time and run over the course of the entire season.

If your player is interested in position specific development, please complete this quick form.  If you have multiple players, please fill out the form separately for each player.

Position Specific:


Thank you,
LMHA Board

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